Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day 2007

On this Mother's Day, for all Autism Moms...

I wish for you a day without yelling, screaming, arguing, tantruming, hitting, kicking, fighting or crying.

I wish for you a day without your child running away from you when all you want is a hug.

I wish for you a day without pushing away when you try to give your child a hug or a kiss.

I wish for you a day where being a Mom is easy.

I wish for you a day filled with smiles and laughter.

I wish for you a day where out of nowhere, completely unexpectedly, you get a big hug followed by a big kiss.

I wish for you a day where your child happily does everything you ask of him.

I wish for you a day where you never have to wonder if your child loves you.

I wish for you a day where your child is happy to see you when you walk into the room.

I wish for you a day where you can walk into another room and not have to worry about what will happen while you're gone.

I wish for you a day where you don't have to listen to the same song over and over and over again.

I wish for you a day where you don't have to watch the same video over and over and over again.

I wish for you a day where your child looks you in the eye and connects with you, even if it's only for a fleeting moment.

I wish for you a day without tears...your child's or yours.

I wish for you a day without worry about what the future holds.

I wish for you a day without wondering how you're going to pay for all the therapies your child needs.

I wish for you a day where your friends and family gather and they love your child just the way he is.

I wish for you a day without fear, stress, sadness or anxiety.

I wish for you a day of feeling "normal".

I wish for you a trip to the store with no stares, dirty looks or parenting advice from people who have no clue.

I wish for you a day with no struggles.

I wish for you a day where your child looks at you and says "I love you, Mommy".

I wish for you a day where all the dreams that you dreamed about being a Mom come true.

I wish for you a day of peace, love and hope.

I wish such a day for you because you deserve such a day.

Only we Moms of children with Autism understand. No one else will ever know the pain, sorrow, desperation and fear that we feel to our core every minute of every hour of every day.

Luckily, we are able to find joy in the little things. We've learned to appreciate moments that parents of typical children take for granted and we cling to them. Those are the moments that we live for, the moments that give us the strength to carry on. And we will carry on for we have a save our children.

Because of all that you do, Autism Super-Mom, I wish for you an amazing Mother's Day.

Because you are amazing.


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