Wednesday, December 08, 2004

December 8th, 2004

Wow. Just when I’m at the point of complete and total exhaustion, Jakob does something to send me into hysterics that makes me realize that all the thought and work I put into making our home a total learning environment for him is all worth it. Last night, he’s standing at his magnetic white board with all his letters and numbers and we’re spelling some of his favorites…green, purple, quiet, Jakob, go, fun…these are words that he’s just starting spelling, we didn’t teach him to do this. Somewhere along the line he’s just picked them up. Well…he takes the “Q”…then the “1”…then the “0”…then the “2”….little booger was spelling Q102!!! I fell over laughing and he just grinned…God, I love that kid!

Ya know…I never talk about my personal religious beliefs.’s probably the only thing in this world that I don’t openly talk about…too personal. I will say this…I have a good relationship with God…She and I are very tight. And I believe in all the clichés…everything happens for a reason and God doesn’t give you more than you can handle. God gave me Jakob for a reason…probably a bunch of reasons…to teach me to have more patience, understanding, tolerance, unconditional love, priorities in life…all of these things I’ve had my whole life but certainly they’re things no one can ever have too much of. Every day Jakob teaches me something new. And yesterday he reminded me to slow down, take a moment and have a good laugh. I can’t wait to find out what my little angel has for me today…



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