Wednesday, February 02, 2005

February 2nd, 2005

I have absolutely no idea where to begin. I am completely overwhelmed right now. I’m going in 10 different directions and I feel like I’m getting nothing accomplished. I hate weeks like this cuz I feel like I’m not giving Jakob the attention he so desperately deserves. Throw into the mix that he’s sick…again, so my guilt level is at an all-time high. I just try to get as much done as I can and prioritize. The whole “finding balance” thing is such a challenge.

Jakob has had a very busy week. My mom and best friend were here for a few days. My best friend has 2 little ones, a 4-year-old son and a five-month-old daughter. Jakob did really well with them. He actually paid attention to the baby which is a first. And he played with Greyson a little bit. They seemed to do best together when we were in another room and they didn’t know we were watching. They’d read books together and it really seemed as if Jakob was trying to have a conversation with him. It was really fun to watch. I do have to say though that it’s at that point where other kids really notice that something’s not right with Jakob. They get frustrated with him cuz he doesn’t talk or play the way they want him to. He’s definently getting better but we have a way to go.

Jakob did pretty well with the ADOS. The therapist was pleased with his eye contact and his intent to communicate (even though it was non-verbal). He didn’t do too well with pretend play but we knew that would be a challenge. He just started doing a little bit of that at home.

His OT in private therapy (who we LOVE) also did an assessment on him last week. I haven’t read the results yet but she told me that he did great…even tested close to age appropriate in some areas. That is such a huge accomplishment since he wouldn’t even sit still long enough to take the test a year ago.

As I try to write this, I’m getting phone calls and I swear people around me are acting like the world is about to end. I’m gonna have to take care of some things and I’ll write again by the end of the week. I feel so bad for being so far behind on everything. If you’ve sent me an e-mail in the past week, I’ve read it and I promise I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. It’s very important to me that I write back!



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