Sunday, November 18, 2007

November 18,

The timer gets here tomorrow...I can't wait. The little turkey butt was up at 4:30 this morning wanting the computer. I was able to keep him entertained for about an hour but that was all the patience he had in him. I'll be on the lookout for UPS tomorrow and I may even kiss the delivery guy. Luckily, UPS guys are usually pretty cute.

I've begun the Christmas decorating and I have too much stuff. It's rediculous. I'm not as into it as I used to be...too many other things going on that I need and want to do. But I'm torn...I do love it when the house is all decorated. I've found a couple of Jakob's musical decorations...he sure grinned when he saw them. He placed them on either side of the computer and would take short breaks to play with them...but he never stepped away from Starfall...Heaven forbid.

We're in this holding pattern as I get everything ready for the New Year, New Approach to Autism. There's so much I want to try with him but everything's gotta be in place first. I'm getting ansy. Luckily, we're about to have a house-full for Thanksgiving and that will keep us busy. I'm looking forward to it, it's nice being surrounded by people who dig Jakob.

The self-healing is coming along...although I still have my moments. That's when I remind myself of something that is true for all of's not my fault, but it is my responsibilty. And responsibility simply means my ability to respond. So, I check how I'm responding, decide if that's the way I really want to be responding and if it's not, I fix it.

There's nothing I can do about the past and the only way to affect the future is how I respond now. All the power is in now. Now, now, now. And right now, if I want to be productive tonight and make it through Desperate Housewives, I need a nap...NOW.


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