Sunday, November 25, 2007

November 25, 2007...back in the habit

Holiday weekend...over. I just took a big fat nap, much longer than I had planned and I'm still a little foggy. Most of the Christmas decorations are up and there's only a little bit of a mess to clean up. I should have it all wrapped up before Jakob comes home on Tuesday. Big task...and as always, I wonder why the heck I put myself through it every year. And then I take a look at how pretty the house looks and I remember why. Taking it all down is another room never got taken down last year so it was ready to go for this year. Perfect!!

Jakob handled the crowd in the house pretty well. Granted, he was on the computer most of the time but he was happy. The only time he got upset was when I'd try to get him off the computer. I'd get the scream, stomping of the feet and a whack in the mouth. Love the looks I get from others when he smacks me...have to explain the no reacting thing. I think some people think I'm nuts...but that's nothing new.

We did have a little trouble at Thanksgiving dinner. He went to his dad's in the morning for a little while and he came home right as we were sitting down for dinner. His routine is...he goes to his dad's and from there, he goes to school. So if they go anywhere other than school, he gets thrown out-of-whack and gets upset. So, he was upset. While everyone else was enjoying some very moist turkey, I was taking a walk around the block...under-dressed and cold. Very cold. Bummer...I really wanted him to sit and eat with us but that wasn't happening. He opted for the computer instead. He went to his dad's Friday morning too...and I picked him up and brought him home. That went smooth as silk. Routines are still a pretty big thing.

With all the commotion around the holiday, I'm a little behind on my "Jenn Time" and I've fallen a little behind on my reading. I've been reading the same book for 2 weeks...that's way off schedule. I'll have some catching up to do this week. I'm going on a trip next week and have some stuff I gotta get read before I go...studying to do. I'll be spending a week immersed in Autism stuff...can't wait...details coming soon. Aunt Sandy is going with me so my Mom is coming to stay with Jakob. He just loves his Grandma and they're gonna have a ball, they always do. I never mind leaving town if Grandma's coming to stay. It's great for the both of them to have the time together.

I'm getting a little ansy waiting for the New Year...New Approach to Autism. I wanna get started NOW! But I'm doing all that I can...keep him happy, get the basement ready, get everybody ready. After next week, I'll be going full speed ahead with the preparations. It's gonna be good and it's gonna be fun.

I'm going to get my wits about me and tomorrow, I'll share some of the things in my life that I'm thankful and grateful for this holiday season. An attitude of gratitude...which will make all the difference in the world...for Jakob, and for me.


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